
GST Payment / Refund Forms

SNoForm NoAvailable ForDescriptionType
1FORM GST PMT –01For taxpayerElectronic Liability Register of Taxable Person (Part-II: other return related liabilities)Payments
2FORM GST PMT –02For taxpayerElectronic Credit Ledger of Registered PersonPayments
3FORM GST PMT –03For Tax OfficialOrder for re-credit of the amount to cash or credit ledger on rejection of refund claimPayments
4FORM GST PMT- 04For TaxpayerApplication for intimating discrepancy in Electronic Credit ledger/Cash Ledger/Liability RegisterPayments
5FORM GST PMT –05For taxpayerElectronic Cash LedgerPayments
6FORM GST PMT –06For taxpayerChallan for deposit of goods and services taxPayments
7FORM GST PMT –07For taxpayerApplication for intimating discrepancy relating to paymentPayments
1FORM-GST-RFD-01For TaxpayerApplication for RefundRefund
2FORM-GST-RFD-02For Tax OfficialAcknowledgement of Refund ApplicationRefund
3FORM-GST-RFD-03For Tax OfficialDeficiency MemoRefund
4FORM-GST-RFD-04For Tax OfficialProvisional Refund OrderRefund
5FORM-GST-RFD-05For Tax OfficialPayment OrderRefund
6FORM-GST-RFD-06For Tax OfficialFinal Refund OrderRefund
7FORM-GST-RFD-07BFor Tax OfficialRefund Withhold OrderRefund
8FORM-GST-RFD-08For Tax OfficialShow Cause NoticeRefund
9FORM-GST-RFD-09For TaxpayerReply to Show Cause NoticeRefund
10FORM-GST-RFD-010For TaxpayerApplication for Refund by any specialized agency of UN or any Multilateral Financial Institution and Organization, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries, etc.Refund
11FORM-GST-RFD-011For TaxpayerFurnishing of bond or Letter of Undertaking for export of goods or servicesRefund
12FORM-GST-RFD-01AFor TaxpayerApplication for Refund (Operational up to 26.09.2019)Refund
13FORM-GST-RFD-01BFor Tax OfficialRefund Order Details (Operational for all RFD-01A filed before 26th Sept. 2019)Refund